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Dec 14, 20181 min read
Free winter tech decor
\Winter is very much upon us in the Midwest! It's so easy to hate on winter and dream of warmer times (guilty) but I thought I'd instead...

Dec 10, 20182 min read
What it's like to see a psychiatrist
Hello there, friend! It's Monday so that means another Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday is here. Today I want to talk about something...

Nov 29, 20182 min read
The secret to lasting pink hair
I know this is a little different than my typical post topics, but since dying my hair pink, I've been asked often how the pink color...

Nov 26, 20183 min read
Identifying triggers and how to deal with them
Hi there, welcome to Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday! Each week I talk about a recent experience of mine with mental health. This week...

Nov 19, 20182 min read
The deceiving pursuit of joy
Last week for Brightly Alex Mental Health Mondays, I talked about letting joy and pain coexist, meaning I realized I can be anxious and...

Nov 16, 20182 min read
3 Thanksgiving table ideas
If you've been following me for a while, you may have picked up on the fact that I love Eucalyptus. It smells good, it's calming, it...

Nov 12, 20182 min read
Letting joy and pain coexist
Hey friends. Welcome to this week's Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday! I've recently realized that when I feel anxious, I tend to stop...

Nov 8, 20182 min read
Follow these 5 women for inspiring real talk
I've talked before about instagram accounts that inspire me visually, but this week I'm showing you some people that have inspired the...

Nov 5, 20182 min read
Too good to be true
Welcome to this week's Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday! I've been asked if it's hard to come up with ideas for this series and the...

Nov 1, 20184 min read
Creative Inspiration from Joanna Paul
With the goal of developing this platform into a communal space, I continually am seeking out others' stories of creativity and meaning....

Oct 29, 20183 min read
An honest evaluation of anxiety medication
Welcome to this week's Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday. Today we're talking about what seems to be a particularly taboo subject:...

Oct 12, 20182 min read
How to create a home office in a small space
Welcome to my office! I love seeing other peoples' homes, so I wanted to give you a tour of my workspace and show you the framework I...

Oct 8, 20182 min read
One way to manage anxiety: safe people
Welcome to this week's Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday! Today we're talking about the concept of a "safe person" - an idea that has...

Oct 4, 20184 min read
Creative Inspiration from "As Husband and Wife"
Remember back when we all received creative inspiration from my interview with Hadassah Carlson about her life and creativity? Well this...

Oct 1, 20182 min read
Taking an emotional risk
For today's Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday, I want to talk about something that keeps coming up for me: The decision between the...

Sep 24, 20182 min read
My struggle with an unstable identity
Most people, when you first meet them, ask "what do you do?". And for my whole life I've been able to give a simple, clear answer: "I'm...

Sep 20, 20182 min read
Get this one easy plant
I would really like to be a natural at plant whispering. But, plain and simple, my plants are not the highest priority in my life....

Sep 17, 20182 min read
Healing isn't linear
Welcome to this week's Brightly Alex Mental Health Monday. My past week has been great. Between quality time with my husband, coffee...

Sep 13, 20182 min read
4 natural ways to make your home smell like Fall (that aren't candles)
Candles are great - they're very cozy. But scented candles often give me headaches. Instead, I like to make my home smell cozy and fresh...

Sep 10, 20182 min read
Pet therapy: how I've found healing in dog ownership
About a year ago, my husband and I moved into a pet-friendly apartment. My daydream of owning my own dog was actually feasible now! After...
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