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Sep 6, 20181 min read
Follow these 5 colorful instagram accounts
I've mentioned before my disdain for the all-neutral, colorless trend that took over instagram for the past few years. Well. I am doing...

Sep 3, 20182 min read
Finding healing in community
Welcome to week 2 of Brightly Alex Mental Health Mondays. This week I wanted to talk about something that's been important to my coping...

Aug 31, 20183 min read
6 ways to find inspiration
There are two kinds of inspiration. The first is the kind that comes to you. You experience something that captivates you. You are...

Aug 27, 20182 min read
Redwood vacation and self care thoughts
I shared on my instagram today that I'm going to begin Brightly Alex Mental Health Mondays every week. Here's an excerpt from what I...

Aug 24, 20182 min read
Desktop backgrounds | Life reminders
It's about that time again. Everyone is either squeezing in the last of their summer trips or they've already started figuring out how to...

Aug 3, 20182 min read
6 simple steps to a cozier home
If you know me and have been to my home, you know that coziness is important to me. The more I learn about the Danish concept of hygge,...

Jul 19, 20182 min read
Jumping in: quitting my full time job for freelance
This week is my first week not going into my full time job. It’s been good, hard and confusing all at once so I wanted to share about my...

Jun 11, 20182 min read
My tattoo, explained
Usually when people see that I’m one of those millennials with a tattoo, they’ll ask if there’s a story behind it. And because I’m one of...

Mar 31, 20183 min read
Empty the fridge breakfast bake
This recipe has become a favorite in our house. It's super simple, fast, healthy, and delicious. What more could you want? Did I mention...

Mar 16, 20184 min read
Interview with a creative human: Hadassah
Something I’ve been thinking about lately is the concept of creativity. What is it? Is it innate or learned? Why do some people have a...

Mar 9, 20183 min read
Watercolor isn’t that scary: getting started
In my last post, I shared some tips to getting through the rest of this cold season. One of my suggestions was to start a new hobby. What...

Feb 23, 20182 min read
5 tips to make it through (the rest of) winter
This is the time of year everyone in the midwest starts to regret living here. Short days, cold winds, slush, salt, and twenty layers of...

Feb 13, 20181 min read
Fresh tech backgrounds
Sometimes I need a little spice in my life and when painting the apartment isn't an option I go to the next best thing: new computer and...

Jan 31, 20182 min read
DIY Valentine (a practical craft)
Do you always see those amazingly cute DIYs that you click on and realize there's no way you could make it with the materials you have or...

Jan 25, 20183 min read
A peek into my living room
Welcome to my apartment! I love seeing other people's homes because I think one's home says a lot about a person. For that reason, I...

Jan 16, 20181 min read
A trend to try: turtlenecks
Have you jumped on the turtleneck train yet? Here are four ways to wear this trend! I’m a firm believer in discovering your own style and...

Jan 7, 20182 min read
1 Week Meal Plan: simple, healthy, slightly adventurous
Meal planning is a game changer, people. It’s great to plan meals before grocery shopping for many reasons: You can try any recipe with...

Jan 1, 20182 min read
Discover your personal style for 2018: 5 Steps
Why find your style? Have you noticed that the classic hipster look of desaturated, light, neutral colors has taken over Instagram? Over...
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